Frequently Asked Questions

About Receipt of Grievances

  • Who can report a grievance?

    A grievance can be reported by any person negatively impacted or who has reasonable grounds to believe there is a possibility of being negatively impacted from the perspective of human rights as well as organizations such as the person's supporting labor organization or a civil society organization (NGO).

  • Can reporting be done anonymously?

    Yes. However, when it is difficult to ascertain the relevant facts, there is a possibility that we will be unable to appropriately process the report.

  • Is the reporter contacted?

    When it is possible to contact the reporter, the company concerned or JaCER may contact the reporter to confirm the relevant facts.

  • Is retaliation against the reporter a possibility?

    JaCER requires member companies who utilize JaCER's mechanism to sign a pledge that they will prohibit retaliation against the reporter.

  • Where can I make a report?

    You can make a report directly from JaCER's Website. You can also make a report to the contact desk for reporting grievances of the member company concerned.

  • What language can I use to make a report?

    At the present time, it is possible to make a report in Japanese and English on JaCER's Website. In some member companies, it is possible to make a report in other languages to their contact desks for reporting grievances.

  • What kind of reports do you handle?

    We handle cases applicable to grievance redress, which are cases of suspected violations of the International Bill of Human Rights (consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights (consisting of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)) and other international codes of conduct and internal regulations established by countries that are related to challenges concerning business and human rights.
    We do not handle reports of complaints and dissatisfaction of an everyday nature that do not fall within the above definition.

  • What companies can I report?

    JaCER receives reports in connection with our regular member companies. We also receive reports of cases connected with supply chains and value chains that have a business relationship with our regular member companies.

  • What about reporting companies that are not JaCER member companies?

    Whenever possible, JaCER sounds out the company concerned and requests the company to make an appropriate response.

About the Grievance Mechanism

  • Does JaCER itself handle grievances?

    JaCER provides support for member companies that are responsible for making an appropriate response to grievance cases. Redress of grievances is the responsibility of the companies concerned.

  • How does JaCER support redress of grievances?

    JaCER acts in an advisory capacity by leveraging specialized knowledge including the specialized knowledge possessed by JaCER to support regular member companies in redressing grievances.
    By supporting appointment and operation of an advisory and mediation panel and an investigation panel of independent experts as necessary, JaCER is able to provide support from a more objective position. Legal advice regarding matters that involve conflict between parties is only provided by attorneys.

  • Do you know how the grievance cases are redressed?

    In regard to cases reported that are received by JaCER, we provide timely information about how cases are being processed on our List of Grievance Redress Cases while protecting the anonymity of the reporters and the companies concerned.