Supporting the grievance mechanism for 'business and human rights'

About JaCER

About JaCER

About JaCER

Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER) aims to provide a non-judicial platform for grievance redress and to act in a professional capacity to support and promote redress of grievances by member companies based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Promotion of Engagement and Remedy

Promotion of Engagement and Remedy

We are working to strengthen member companies’ grievance mechanism through our "Engagement and Remedy Platform", which we operate to receive complaints/reports of grievances against member companies and support member companies in redressing grievances. The grievance mechanism is a mechanism for receiving complaints/reports of cases of human rights violations and remediating and improving these situations.

Click here to report a
grievance against a company

We receive complaints/reports of cases of human rights violations in connection with regular member companies.
If you are considering submitting a grievance, please submit a grievance report here.

List of Grievance
Redress Cases

Click here to check out the status of
grievance cases.


Regular Members

JaCER's Engagement and Remedy Platform incorporates a contact for reporting grievances that receives complaints/reports of grievances regarding cases of human rights violations in connection with our regular member companies and supports and promotes redress of grievances by the member companies concerned.

※Kirin Group:Please click on this link for Target companies.

 Risk management > Improvement accessing to remedy 

  >Whistleblower contact for a wide range of stakeholders